Tournament Director: Men’s Club President

Tournament Committee: Tournament Director, Rules and Handicap Chair, Director Appointees

Eligibility: Must be an active club member and been a member for at least Six months and have played in a minimum of Ten Club events (Wednesday & Sunday) during the past twelve months. Players must hold an amateur status as defined by the United States Golf Association (USGA). Participants must have an established index provided by the Southern California Golf Association. Entrants must be at least 18 years old prior to the start of the tournament.

Handicaps: Competitors will play to their low index established during the past 6 months. The Tournament Committee using the SCGA slope rating for the courses played will determine the player’s course handicap. TC Men’s Golf Club Rules and Competitions Committee reserves the right to adjust a player’s handicap at any time prior to or during the competition.

Tournament Format: Stroke play 36 holes. There will be four flights and Club Champions for Temecula Creek Men’s Golf Club as follows:

Gross Flights: The gross flights will play from the autumn tees. The Gross Flight is open to all members and the Senior Gross Flight is open to members 55 years of age & Above.

Net Flights: The net flights will play from the autumn tees. The net flights will be determined by dividing the handicap indexes in two even groups from lowest to largest. If there are an off number of players, a coin will be flipped to determine which flight gets the extra player. The coin must be flipped so that it hits the ground. If heads is showing, the lower handicap flight will have the odd player. If tails is showing the high handicap flight will have the odd player.

If two players on the dividing line have the same handicap, their placement will be determined as follows: (a). Their local  index used for the event, (b.) the number of times they played on Wednesdays for the previous 12 months, (c.) a coin flip based upon alphabetical order of last name, first name where heads signifies the name first in alphabetical order. OR, the committee may determine to allow the tournament software to determine the placement of the player by its procedure.

The first round pairings will be ordered by flight and then by ascending handicap index. The pairings for the second round will be ordered by flight and then by ascending scores.  In the event of ties, the players who finished their round first go out first. (first in, first out)

The tournament will consist of two (2) 18-hole rounds of golf. Each division champion will be determined by the lowest thirty-six (36) holes aggregate score within their appropriate division be it gross or net. In the event of a tie in the aggregate total scores after the second round the tie breaker will be an eighteen (18) hole "playoff round" between all the entrants within the same division with the same aggregate score.

The Committee reserve the right to adjust a player’s handicap at any time prior to or during the competition.

Postings: All rounds played, including playoff rounds, should be posted as “Competition” scores.

Competition Rules: The rules of Medal Play Golf as established by the USGA and the TC Men’s golf club local rules will apply. All entrants must abide by these rules and if any situations occur which playing competitors cannot resolve, then the players must finish the hole (play 2 balls if necessary) and report the results to the Tournament Committee for final resolution.

Entries: All entrants should designate which flight they want to participate in when signing up for the event.

Entry Deadline: The Thursday before the week of the tournament at 6pm.

Dates of Competition: The two rounds will be played on the first and second Wednesdays in August.  If a "playoff round" (18 holes) is required, it will be played, by all those affected, on the third Wednesday in August or at a time and place agreed to by the playoff participants.

Awards: Winners of each flight will be added to Champion list on club web site. An amount outlined below will be added to the player bank balance for each flight. Tournament Committee reserves the right to modify payouts based upon the number of entries in each flight.

Net Flights:

  • 1st Place     $200
  • 2nd Place      100
  • 3rd Place         50
  • 4th Place         25

Gross Flight:

  • 1st Place     $200
  • 2nd Place      100

Senior Gross Flight:

  • 1st Place     $200
  • 2nd Place      100
  • 3rd Place         50

SCGA Tournament of Club Champions: Each division champion will be eligible to represent the TCI Men's Golf Club in the SCGA Tournaments of Club Champions depending upon adherence to the rules, regulations, and requirements dictated by the SCGA.

Temecula Creek Inn Men’s Club will do its best to manage the qualifying standards of our club championship to match the SCGA tournament; however, if a player’s handicap adjusts before registration of the SCGA tournament, and they no longer qualify under the same standards, the player may not be able to enter into the SCGA tournament of club champions.

Example: John Doe is 57 years old and a 5.2 index that wins the Senior Gross Championship with a 73 and 76. In another month, his handicap index rises to 6.5. He will no longer be able to play in the tournament of club championships unless he can perform well enough to lower his index to below a 5.4 before registration deadline.



RGM: 08/05/2024

Tournament Director:  Vice President

Tournament Committee: Tournament Director, Handicap Chair and Director Appointees

Creek Cup Goal:  Allow club members regardless of handicap, an opportunity to participate in a match play tournament.

Eligibility: Must be an active club member and been a member for at least Six months and have played in a minimum of Ten Club events (Wednesday & Sunday) during the past twelve months. Players must hold an amateur status as defined by the United States Golf Association (USGA). Participants must have an established index provided by the Southern California Golf Association. Entrants must be at least 18 years old prior to the start of the tournament.

Exemptions: The prior year champion is exempt from qualifying for this event if he is playing in the same flight as the prior year and meets the eligibility requirements.

Tournament Format:  Single Elimination Match Play (Net)  - The championship fields will be divided into flights based on handicap index. The Committee reserves the right to adjust the number of players in any flight if the number of entries so dictates. Flights for the championship will be determined after the entry closing date. Blind draw will determine seeding for the first round for each flight, as well as byes if there are any. The only exception is a bye will automatically be given if available to the prior year champion if he is playing in the same flight.

Handicaps: Competitors will play to their low index established during the past  6 months. The Tournament Committee using the SCGA slope rating for the courses played will determine the player’s course handicap. TC Men’s Golf Club Rules and Competitions Committee reserves the right to adjust a player’s handicap at any time prior to or during the competition.

Competition Rules:  The rules of golf for match play as established by the USGA.   TCI Men’s Golf Club local rules will apply.  If any situations occur, which competitors cannot resolve, they must finish the hole in question and follow Rule 2-5.  Rule 2-5 outlines procedures to follow if a doubt or dispute arises between players in match play. (See addendum for Rule 2-5).

A match that ends all square at the conclusion of 18 holes will be played off hole-by-hole until one side wins a hole.  As an example; If hole 15 is the last hole played, then the playoff shall commence on the 16th hole and each consecutive hole until one side wins a hole. If starting or continuing playoff on the next hole is not reasonably possible, the contestants may agree to proceed with the playoff on another hole. Allocation of handicap strokes will be the same as in the original match.

Upon the completion of a match, all contestants must post their scores to the handicap system as  “Competition” scores.

Entry Fee:  The championship entry fee is $20.

TCI prize pool: Entry fees will be used exclusively to generate each flight’s prize pool. The value of the prize pool of each flight will be established prior to the tournament and will be based on participation. Prizes will be awarded for all participants that advance to quarterfinal, semifinal and final matches.

Entries: Members can sign-up by clicking here

Entry Deadline: The Thursday before the week of the tournament at 6pm.

Dates of Competition:  Matches will begin on a Wednesday and continue for the next 4 consecutive weeks. Brackets will be available on the Friday before the week of the tournament.  If both players in a match agree, matches may be completed at a different date and time as long as the match is played prior to the following Tuesday.

Awards: Winners of each flight will be added to Champion list on club web site. In Addition to the prize pool an amount outlined below will be added to the player bank balance.

  • Winner           $200
  • Runner-up       100
  • Semifinalist        50


RGM: 02/15/2024



USGA Rule 2-5

2-5. Doubt as to Procedure; Disputes and Claims

In match play, if a doubt or dispute arises between the players, a player may make a claim. If no duly authorized representative of the Committee is available within a reasonable time, the players must continue the match without delay. The Committee may consider a claim only if it has been made in a timely manner and if the player making the claim has notified his opponent at the time (i) that he is making a claim or wants a ruling and (ii) of the facts upon which the claim or ruling is to be based.

A claim is considered to have been made in a timely manner if, upon discovery of circumstances giving rise to a claim, the player makes his claim (i) before any player in the match plays from the next teeing ground, or (ii) in the case of the last hole of the match, before all players in the match leave the putting green, or (iii) when the circumstances giving rise to the claim are discovered after all the players in the match have left the putting green of the final hole, before the result of the match has been officially announced.

A claim relating to a prior hole in the match may only be considered by the Committee if it is based on facts previously unknown to the player making the claim and he had been given wrong information (Rules 6-2a or 9) by an opponent. Such a claim must be made in a timely manner.

Once the result of the match has been officially announced, a claim may not be considered by the Committee, unless it is satisfied that (i) the claim is based on facts which were previously unknown to the player making the claim at the time the result was officially announced, (ii) the player making the claim had been given wrong information by an opponent and (iii) the opponent knew he was giving wrong information. There is no time limit on considering such a claim. 

Note:  Once a valid and timely claim is made, players are to continue their match without delay.  Do not wait for a decision!

Tournament Director: Men’s Club Tournament Director

Tournament Committee: Tournament Director, Rules and Handicap Chair, Director Appointees

Eligibility: Must be an active club member and been a member for at least Six months and have played in a minimum of Ten Club events (Wednesday & Sunday) during the past twelve months. Players must hold an amateur status as defined by the United States Golf Association (USGA). Participants must have an established index provided by the Southern California Golf Association. Entrants must be at least 18 years old prior to the start of the tournament.

Handicaps:  Competitors will play to their low index established during the past  6 months. The Tournament Committee using the SCGA slope rating for the courses played will determine the player’s course handicap. The resulting course handicap will be determined for each participant.  The TCI Men’s Golf Club Rules and Competitions Committee reserves the right to adjust a player’s handicap at any time prior to or during the competition.

Tournament Format: The tournament format will be “Four-Ball Net” (two person better ball) and played from the autumn tees.  Each player receives 85% of their course handicap. If a players lowest Handicap Index is above 18.4, he will play down to 18.4.

The first round pairings will be ordered by ascending total team handicap index. The pairings for the second round will be ordered by ascending net team scores.  In the event of ties, the teams who finished their round first go out first. (first in, first out)

The tournament will consist of two (2) 18-hole rounds of golf. The TCI Men's Club  Four-Ball  champions will be determined by the lowest thirty-six (36) holes cumulative net score. In the event of a first or a second place tie in the aggregate total net scores after the second round the tie breaker will be an eighteen (18) hole "playoff round" between all the entrants with the same aggregate net score.  An alternate tie breaking methodology can be used (e.g. Sudden death playoff, 3-hole playoff, 9-hole playoff, etc.) if it is unanimously agreed between the competitors and the tournament committee. A playoff that ends all square will be played off hole-by-hole until one side wins a hole.

Postings: All rounds played, including playoff rounds, should be posted as “Competition” scores.

Competition Rules: The rules of Medal Play Golf as established by the USGA, SCGA, and the TC Men’s golf club local rules will apply. All entrants must abide by these rules and if any situations occur which you and your playing competitors cannot resolve, then you must finish the hole (play 2 balls if necessary) and  report the results to the Rules and Handicap Chairman for final resolution.

Entries: Members can sign-up by clicking here

Entry Deadline: The Thursday before the week of the tournament at 6pm.

Dates of Competition: The two rounds (18 holes each) will be played on the last two Wednesdays in May.  If a "playoff round" (18 holes) is required, it will be played, by all of those effected, on the first Wednesday in June or at a time and place agreed to by the playoff participants.

Awards: Winners will be added to Champion list on club web site. Each Team member will split the amounts which will be paid as outlined below:

  • 1st Place   $400
  • 2nd Place    200
  • 3rd Place     100
  • 4th Place       50




RGM: 02/15/2024


  • Central to stroke play competitions remains the need to hole out on each hole, unless otherwise provided for in the format of play
  • Competitors will keep score for another player in the group
  • Keep up with the number of strokes of the player whose score you are keeping, as well as your own
  • Verify his score verbally at the completion of each hole before it is written down
  • Record his score, and your own score, in the proper places on the official scorecard
  • Prior to submitting a signed scorecard please ensure that your start, turn and end times have been provided
  • Make sure all scores are correct, legible, and the card has been signed by both the player and the Scorer

Bunker Rule - Rake and Place

  • If a player's ball comes to rest in a bunker, he may: Take free relief once by placing the ball: Within a scorecard distance (approx 11 inches) of the original spot not nearer the hole, prior to placing the ball the player will be allowed to Smooth the area in the bunker with his feet, club or rake if available.


  • Doubt as to Procedure Rule 3-3: In stroke play only, if a competitor is doubtful of his rights or the correct procedure during the play of a hole, he may, without penalty, complete the hole with two balls. To proceed under this Rule, he must decide to play two balls after the doubtful situation has arisen and before taking further action (e.g., making a stroke at the original ball).

         The competitor should announce to his marker or fellow-competitor:

  •   that he intends to play two balls; and
  •   which ball he wishes to count if the Rules permit the procedure used for that ball
  • The player must report the facts to the Committee immediately upon completing play. The penalty for failure to do so is Disqualification.


Preferred Lies - Lift, Clean and Place  (Only in Effect when Announced by Tournament Director)

A player is entitled to prefer the lie of the ball when the ball lies on a closely mown area through the green. A “closely-mown area” is any area of the course that is cut to fairway height or less and includes paths cut through the rough and the fringe/apron around the green. If the ball does not lie on a closely mown area, e.g. the rough, the player cannot take a preferred lie.

If the player chooses to prefer the lie of the ball, the position of the ball must be first marked. Once the position of the ball has been marked, the player can then lift the ball and clean it if desired. The ball must then be placed on a spot no nearer the hole within one club length from where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.


Ground under Repair and Obstructions

Free drop allowed, one club length, no closer to hole under the permitted situations that follow:

Ground under Repair

  • Any area enclosed by white painted lines
  • Aeration Holes
  • Newly sodded areas
  • Clearly defined wheel ruts
  • Bare spots or spotty/patchy grass areas - in fairway only - Option Not Available during Major Club Championships
  • Casual Water
  • French drains
  • Tree well filled with concrete
  • Ball lying on grooves around the fringes of the putting greens
  • Ball lying on Ant Hills
  •  Areas with items piled for removal-branches, leaves, grass trimmings


Drop ball at nearest point of relief plus one club length no nearer to the hole with no penalty, except on green place ball as near as possible to original ball position.

Shredded mulch or wood chips:

  • No Relief for this condition - play the ball as it lies - this ground condition exists on Oaks 7 and maybe some other areas on the golf course. 

Cart Paths:

  • Any artificially surfaced paths (including worn out areas extending from cart paths) – free relief


Concrete drainage ditches running through fairway, free relief:

  • If ball comes to rest in ditch, drop 1 club length, no closer to hole.
  • If ball rolls down ditch, take drop where ball comes to rest. 1 club length no closer to hole
  • If ball is carried away due to flowing water, take drop where ball entered ditch.

Relief without penalty if your ball, stance or swing is interfered with by any of the following obstructions. Note: There is no relief for intervention on your line of play except as noted below

  • Sprinkler heads
  • 150 yard marker – (see local rule below for line of sight relief)
  • Electrical and Sprinkler Boxes – (see local rule below for line of sight relief)
  • Buildings on Course
  • Retaining wall to the right of green on Stonehouse 7

Stones in Bunkers: are movable obstructions and can be removed.

All Bulkheads: are considered integral part of the golf course and are located inside of the water hazard.  No relief permitted. If Ball lies outside of water hazard and bulkhead interferes with stance or swing, you get free relief.

Accidental Movement of a Ball on a Putting Green:

When a player’s ball lies on the putting green, there is no penalty if the player, his partner, his opponent, or any of their caddies or equipment accidentally move the ball or ball marker. The ball or ball-marker must be replaced to its original position.

Line of sight relief from 150-yard stone marker or metal sprinkler boxes:

  • Ball must lie with 5 yards (15 feet)  of the obstruction and be in line with the intended line of play
  • Stone or metal box must be in direct line of site to flag from ball.
  • Drop ball at nearest point of relief no more than 1 club length, no nearer to the hole with no penalty.

Sprinkler head near green impeding line of play, free relief:

  • Sprinkler head must be within 2 club lengths of green and ball must rest within 2 club lengths of sprinkler head.
  • Sprinkler head must be in intended line of play.
  • The ball must be lifted and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green

Embedded Ball Rule: In effect through the green, except in hazards (which include bunkers). Lift, clean, and drop no nearer to the hole without penalty.

Distance-Measuring Devices: Distance Measuring devices may be used in all Men’s club competitions as long as the device measures distance only (i.e., the device may not be used to measure other conditions such as wind-speed or the slope of the ground).

Wood Chips and Mulch are loose impediments, no free relief available.

Integral Part of the Golf Course:  Include artificial walls and pilings when located in hazards. A player may only obtain relief from an integral part of the course, with one stroke penalty, under Rule 28 (Unplayable ball).

Environmentally Sensitive Area:  No Designated environmentally sensitive areas exist on the golf course.

Flower Beds: No Flower Beds exist on the course, which would allow free relief.

No Play Zone:  The garden planted area defined by multi-colored flowers left of the putting green on Oaks 9 and behind the tee on Oaks 1 is a no play zone that is treated as an abnormal course condition. Relief must be taken from interference by the no play zone. When it is virtually certain that a player's ball is in the no play zone, but has not been found, the player may take free relief where the ball last crossed the no play zone. The no play zone includes the unpaved pathway that surrounds the no play zone




Out of Bounds is marked by white stakes on the perimeter of the course.

If white stakes are not present, the Out of Bounds (OB) will be the mower line on the edge of each hole.

If there is a great distance between two OB stakes and a mowed area to the right or left of a straight line between the stakes, the mowed area is IN BOUNDS.

All large unmaintained areas within the course will be considered PENALTY AREAS. If red stakes are not present the mower line will define the area.

A ball that crosses a public road and comes to rest beyond that road is out of bounds, even though it may lie on another part of the course.


OAKS - Out of Bounds:

Hole 1 -   OB right side extends the length of the hole to Rainbow

Hole 2 - OB marked by the fence that is along Rainbow to a diagonal line marked by white stake.

Hole 3 - OB on the right. The small grass area where the cart path curves to 4 is IN BOUNDS.

Hole 4 - OB on right marked by a white stake, up to the road (the road is OB) back to a white stake.

Hole 5 - OB the right of the dirt road on the right side. This area extends to the edge of the 6th hole.

Hole 6 - OB right side of fairway to the area behind the green.

Hole 7-8 - OB is the dirt path that runs the entire length of the right side of each hole. A ball on the path is OB.

Hole 9 - OB as marked on the cart path & over the green the cart path in front of the putting green


Penalty Areas:

Hole 2 - Large area east of the cart path going towards the 3rd tee box.

Hole 4-5 - Large area on the left separating the holes.

Hole 7 - Large area to the left of the green.


CREEK - Out of Bounds:

Hole 1-2- Fence line marks the left boundary.

Hole 9- OB as marked on the cart path.

Other areas as marked by stakes.


Ground Under Repair:

Hole 3- large area from the cement ditch to the tree on the left, to 10yds to the right of the large hole, back to the ditch.


STONEHOUSE - Out of Bounds:

Hole 1 - OB is the mower line to the left of the cart path extending around to the left of the cart path behind the green.

Hole 5 - OB left side of the fairway extends to the 6th tee

Hole 6 - OB on the left marked by stakes or the mower line extending to the 7th tee area.

Hole 7 - OB on left is the mower line extending to the end of the concrete ditch.

Hole 8 - OB left of the fence on the left.

Hole 9 - OB left of the fence on left extending to where the cart path turns at the start of the penalty area. OB on the cart path by the driving range or over the green to the paved area.


Penalty Areas: (if red stakes are not present the areas are marked by the mower line)

Hole - 2-3 Left side of each hole that is not mowed.

Hole 3 - Right side of cart path and left side of fairway near the green and behind green

Hole 4 - Left side of fairway and the right side of the fairway.

Hole 5 - Right side of the cart path extends to the back of the green

Hole 6 – Right side of the hole extending to area around the green

Hole 7- Right side of the hole extending to area near the 6th green

Hole 8- Right side of the hole extending to area around the green

Hole 9- The right side of the hole extending the length of the right side.

Hole 9- Penalty area on the left starts where the cart path turns. The area is marked by the left edge of the cart path and extends the length of the hole. Areas to the left of the cart path that are mowed Are Not in The Penalty Area.



PM: 7/31/2023