Article I The name of this organization shall be the “Temecula Creek Mens Golf Club”. The (TCMGC)
Article II Objective:
Section 1: The specific and primary objective of the association is to promote and preserve the true spirit of the game of golf as embodied in its ancient and honorable traditions. Also to provide uniformity by complying with the United States Golf Association (USGA) rules, for the playing of the game.
Section 2: To conform to the Golf Handicap and Information Network (GHIN), as prescribed by the USGA which provides for a uniform system of handicapping. Also to adhere to the Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) system of posting scores to enhance uniformity and fairness of the handicap system.
Section 3: To seek membership in, cooperate with, and comply with the rules and regulations of the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) which is licensed by the United States Golf Association.
Section 4: To conduct golf events and other events for club members at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Such as but not limited to:
A. Annual Club Championship Tournament (Stroke Play)
B. Annual Creek Cup Tournament (Match Play)
C. Weekly individual, pairs, and/or team events
D. Quarterly lunches
E. Annual banquet
Section 5: To operate in a social club environment that will stimulate fellowship and enjoyment for the membership both on and off the course.
Article III – Membership:
Section 1: Classes of membership: There shall be three classes of membership namely:
A. Active Members:
(1) Open to all males over the attained age of 18
(2) Shall not be limited in number
(3) All members shall conform to the rules, regulations, and requirements of the Temecula Creek Men’s Golf Club and to any/all association(s) to which TCMGC may belong.
(4) Each member shall be eligible for all privileges including:
(a) Participation in the weekly and annual tournaments
(b) Special events of the general membership
(c) Nominations as/for Directors
(5) Payment of applicable fees
B. Junior Members:
(1) Open to all males under the attained age of 18
(2) Payment of applicable fees
C. Guests
(1) Are always welcome
(2) May compete in weekly events
(a) Must have verifiable legitimate index/handicap
(b) If no verifiable index/handicap, he must play as a "scratch" golfer
(3) Previous members
(a) Non dues paying players in current year
(b) May only play as a guest one time before rejoining is required
(4) Non-previous members
(a) May only play as a guest three (3) times before joining is required
(b) Participation in any Member-Guest event will
be included in the above mentioned three times.
Section 2: Procedures for Membership
A. Applications:
New and annual renewal memberships are submitted through SCGA Web Site
B. Rights and privileges shall be vested solely and exclusively in the Active Membership.
Section 3: Obligations of Membership: The acceptance of membership in this club shall bind each member to uphold the provisions of the By-Laws, to abide by all conditions, rules and regulations of the club, and to accept and enforce all rules and decisions of the Board of Directors or any of its committees acting within its jurisdiction.
Section 4: Suspension and Expulsion: Refusing or neglecting a strict and honorable compliance with the rules and regulations of this club, or with the decision of the Board of Directors, shall render any member liable to suspension or expulsion by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 5: Notification and Hearing: No member shall be suspended or expelled without reasonable notification of the action proposed and an opportunity to be heard in his defense before the Board of Directors. No member of the Board of Directors involved in any complaint or dispute shall sit in hearing or vote on such complaint or dispute.
Article IV – Government and Management
Section 1: The Board of Directors: The control and management of the affairs of the Club shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Compensation: No Director or Officer shall in any manner whatsoever receive a salary or compensation for services from the funds of the club.
Section 3: The Board shall be composed of ten (10) members and shall consist of four (4) officers, namely, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. In addition, there shall be five (5) Directors and the Immediate Past President.
Article V – Election of Officers and Directors.
Section 1: Election: The election of all Officers and Directors shall be held at the September Annual Meeting of the Club. Each Active Member attending shall have one vote for each office.
Section 2: Nomination: The nominating chairman shall file with the Secretary, at least thirty (30) days or as soon as practicable prior to the annual meeting a list of officers and directors to be voted for at the annual meeting. Such list shall be posted on the club bulletin board as soon as possible after receipt by the Secretary but prior to the annual meeting.
Section 3: Term of office: There is no limit to the length of term served by an Officer, Director, or any/all assistant(s).
Section 4: Eligibility: Each Officer and Director must be an active member in good standing to be eligible for office.
Section 5: Procedure: At the annual meeting the Nominating chairman shall conduct the election. He shall call for floor nominations, which, upon a second, the membership may enter on the ballot as a write-in candidate. Each Active Member may cast one vote for each of the positions of Officer and Director. A simple majority of votes cast shall determine the election of each candidate.
Section 6: Vacancies:
A. If an Officer of the Board shall die, resign or be expelled, at its next regular meeting the Board of Directors shall appoint a Director to fill the unexpired term as an Officer and then appoint a new Director as prescribed in Section 6.B.
B. If a Director shall die, resign or be expelled, the nominating committee chairman shall be directed to find and recommend to the Board of Directors at the next regular board meeting a willing member to serve the unexpired term of that Director he is replacing.
C. If the Immediate Past President dies resigns or is expelled, the position will not be filled until such time as a qualifying applicable member is established.
Section 7: Organizational Meeting:
A. The Board of Directors shall meet for organization immediately or within 7 days after each Annual Meeting; no notice of such meeting need be given to the Directors. The purpose of this meeting is to go over with each elected director his duties for the office he is to fill.
B. The positions of Officers shall be as follows:
(1) President
(2) Vice President
(3) Secretary
(4) Treasurer
C. The positions of Directors shall be as follows;
(1) Tournament Director
(2) Membership Chairman
(3) Special Events Chairman
(4) Handicap Chairman
(5) Past President
(6) Assistant Tournament Director
Article VI – Duties of Officers and Directors:
Section 1: President – The President shall be the primary representative and spokesman for the TCMGC and direct and author all official club correspondence. The President shall preside at all meetings of the association. He shall call special meetings and assign official duties to other officers and directors as appropriate. The President shall enforce these By Laws and all rules and regulations of the association. Presidential discretion permits replacement of any Board member who becomes derelict in his duties by missing three (3) consecutive Board meeting. He shall notify the incumbent and at the next meeting appoint a successor, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The President shall supervise all business and sanctioned social events of TCMGC. The President shall oversee an annual audit of TCMGC financial report and funds prior to installation of new officers.
Section 2: Vice President – During the absence or inability to act as the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of that office. The Vice President shall serve as the Friendship Chairman thus authorizing him to send the club’s appropriate expressions to the ill and/or injured members of the club. He may also, on the club’s behalf, send an appropriate expression to the deceased member’s family. The Vice President shall serve as the Tournament Director for the Club Championship and Creek Cup Tournaments in close association with the Tournament Director as stated in Section 5 below.
Section 3: Secretary – The Secretary shall have the responsibility to keep a record of all meetings of the club and the Board of Directors. He shall serve all notices as required by these By-Laws. During the absence or inability of the President and Vice President to act as such, the Secretary shall call the meeting to order and appoint a temporary chairman. He shall do and perform all such other duties of the office of Secretary as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors.
Section 4: Treasurer – The Treasurer shall keep a full and complete book of account of the Club. He shall deposit all monies received in a depository as designated by the Board of Directors. He shall disburse the funds of the Club upon proper billing. He shall render an accounting of the Board as requested and shall report the financial affairs of the Club at the Monthly and Annual Meeting.
Section 5: Tournament Director – The Tournament Director shall determine how the TCMGC tournaments will be played, including the rules, and conditions for each tournament. The only two exceptions would be those tournaments mentioned in Section 2 above. The Director shall coordinate the tournaments with the Head Professional to secure tournament dates and starting times for the coming year. He will validate members handicaps using the computer listing provided by the handicapping organization and insure that all players have a valid handicap.
Section 6: Membership Chairman – The Membership Chairman is responsible for providing membership applications, compiling membership roster, and maintaining application and membership records and files. The Membership Chairman shall collect all membership fees and forward them to the Treasurer at an appropriate time.
Section 7: Special Events and Annual Meeting Chairman – The Special Events Chairman shall arrange and secure permission to conduct special events at the course. He shall establish the event rules and condition, collect the appropriate fees, conduct the events, disburse the prizes, and return any excess funds to the Treasurer. He shall secure a location for the regular quarterly membership luncheon meeting, monthly board meetings, and the annual all club banquet.
Section 8: Handicap-Rules Chairman – The Handicap-Rules Chairman shall enforce the USGA Rules of Golf. He shall also penalize members who may be in violation of those rules. The Handicap-Rules Chairman shall ensure that all members are posting their scores in accordance with Equitable Stroke Control system. He shall make periodic validations and inform affected members of the conformation or non-conformation.
Section 9: Immediate Past President – The Immediate Past President shall be the nominations committee chairman and is responsible for conducting the TCMGC elections. He shall provide a list of candidates, who are consenting to run for the various positions to the Secretary as provided for in Article V Section 2 of these By-Laws. He shall also perform other duties as may be assigned by the President.
Section 10: Assistant Tournament Director – The Assistant Tournament Director shall provide assistance in the collection of fees and perform other duties as required by the Tournament Director. During the absence or inability to act as the Tournament Director, the Assistant Tournament Director shall perform the duties of that office.
Article VII – Meetings:
Section 1: Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors shall be established as to a regular date (i.e. 1st Wednesday of the month), once established, a time and place notice shall not be necessary.
Section 2: Special Board of Directors Meetings may be called at any time by the Secretary on a verbal order by the President or a written and signed notice by 3 Directors stating the necessity of such a meeting. The Secretary shall give each Director notice of the time and place of such meeting, either personally, or by telephone, or e-mail, and the minutes of such meeting shall be conclusive upon the question of service or notice of said meeting.
Section 3: The Secretary shall notify the Active Members of the Annual Membership Meeting no less than 30 days or as soon as practicable prior to the meeting. It shall include the date, time, place, and the nominees for election. This notice shall be by posting on the membership bulletin board at Temecula Creek Golf Course as soon as possible after the receipt from the Immediate Past President.
Section 4: Special Member Meeting of the club may be called by:
A. The President or
B. By a majority of the Board of Directors or
C. By a signed petition by ten (10) members submitted to the Secretary stating the need for a special meeting, which will be acted upon by the Directors.
Section 5: Quorum: At the annual election or special meeting twenty (20) active members shall be sufficient to constitute a quorum. A majority shall be fifty (50) per cent plus one of the total votes cast. At the Board of Directors Meeting a quorum shall be five (5) and a majority shall be 51% of the votes cast. Abstention shall not count as a vote cast.
Section 6: Order of Business: The following shall be the order of business at the Annual Meeting:
A. Call to Order
B. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting
C. President’s Report
D. Secretary’s Report
E. Treasurer’s Report
F. Unfinished Business
G. Election of Officers & Directors
H. New Business
I. Adjournment
Section 7:. No resolution shall be presented nor action or discussion at any Annual or Special Meeting unless such resolution has been:
A. Filed in writing with the Secretary and
B. Been approved for presentation by the Board of Directors and
C. Copies of the resolution together with a Notice of a Special Meeting by, personally contacting the Member, telephone the Member, or E-mail the Member on the club roster.
Article VIII: Dues
Section 1: Payment of Dues: The amount of annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors and shall include those dues as levied by the SCGA. Notice of dues shall be conveyed to all members by October 1st and shall be considered delinquent when not received by December 1st.
Section 2:A delinquent members name shall be:
A. Removed from the membership rolls.
B. Denied privileges of membership
C. Denied tournament participation
D. Denied certification for competition held by U.S.G.A. or S.C.G.A.
Section 3: Renewed dues received after December 1st shall incur a penalty as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 4: New Members: Dues are paid annually and without penalties as described above.
Article IX Miscellaneous:
Section 1: Interpretation: On all questions as to the construction or interpretation of these By-Laws, the decision of the Board of Directors of the Club shall be final.
Section 2: Amendments: The By-Laws of the Club may be amended, or repealed by the action of two thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast by the Active Members present and eligible to vote at any Annual or Special Meeting.
Section 3: Indemnity: No Members of the Board of Directors shall be personally liable for any debts, receipts, neglects or defaults of any other member neither of the Board of Directors, nor for any loss or expense of whatsoever nature incurred by the Club unless this is the result of his own negligence or dishonesty.
Section 4: These By-Laws are approved by the Board of Directors on this date, 02/05/2014
AAF: 02/05/2014