Temecula Creek Mens Golf Club

Club History

The Temecula Creek Men’s Golf Club was organized in 1972 at which time they joined the Southern California Golf Association. Irwin L. Hearsh the original owner of the golf course was the organizer of the Men’s Club. The original name of the golf course was Rainbow Canyon Golf Resort, and later the golf course name was changed to Temecula Creek Inn. On June 1, 1988 the Board of Directors formally adopted the Club By-Laws.

The course consists of three nines Creek, Oaks and  Stonehouse. The Creek and Oaks is the original 18 hole course, designed by Dick Rossen and built in 1969, Stonehouse nine was designed by Ted Robinson and was built in 1990.

In January of 2018 the Pechanga Band of LuiseƱo Indians purchased the property and the golf course name has been changed to Temecula Creek Golf Club.

Presidents Message - Bud Kane


The Temecula Creek Golf Club  is part of the Temecula Creek Resort, and is located just east of I-15 in the rolling hills at the southern end of Temecula.  The Golf Club offers three distinctly different nine hole courses that can challenge the best golfers, but also be enjoyed by less proficient players.  You will always find this course in impeccable shape, and I assure you that no matter your skill level, you will enjoy your round. 

A great golf course is important, but what separates Temecula Creek from other courses is the outstanding men’s club.  Our members vary in age from young working men to old retired guys.  Members truly look forward to Wednesdays and/or Sundays, our weekly men’s club tournament days.  

There are many advantages to membership.  Play every week.  All club members that meet the few major tournament requirements are eligible for the Match Play Championship, Four-Ball Championship and the Club Championship tournaments.  Additionally, club members are eligible to participate in SCGA Team Play.

The Temecula Creek Men’s Club truly has a lot to offer.  Come out for a no obligation trial round.  Our Membership Chairman can get you signed up and playing on the same day, so why not contact us today!

President – Temecula Creek Men’s Golf Club

Join Our Club

Membership in the Men's Golf Club automatically includes an annual membership in the Southern California Golf Association.

To Sign up for our Club - Click Here

For Membership Information - contact Peter McKay  - Click Here

Men's Club Annual Membership - $80

Weekday Schedule

To see Full Wednesday Schedule click here

New Member Introduction

Click on the following link to see:   New Member Introduction Information

Sunday Schedule

Sunday Game is Low Net